Which is great news! It needed to double, so it had to be greater than 302 today.
I also peed on my last stick, and the pregnancy line is now DARKER than the reference line! YIPPEE!
After she called with our beta numbers, she said everything was fine, but to try to take it easy for the rest of the weekend and keep my feet up as much as possible. Next Thursday I'll go for another bloodtest to check my progesterone and estrogen levels to find out when I can start weaning off the medication. And that in about two and a half weeks I will go for an ultrasound to check for a sac and heartbeat. The last BIG hurdle, before they will consider my pregnancy official.
So for now it's more waiting and praying and trying to take it easy.
And of course, enjoying every second!
Woohoo - that's awesome Lisa!! So happy for you!
Stay off your feet, and let Dave pamper you and the baby(ies).....
So glad to see that your beta has more than doubled! Now rest up, as the pitter patter of little feet will be keeping you very busy soon! :)
awesome! I had bleeding the day before my beta, everything was fine at my us. I'm having the same thing again tonight. It seems to be the theme today.
Hi Aunt Lisa and Uncle Dave...
We are over at Papa's having Chinese food for dinner.
I scored my first goal ever today for the travelling team and we went to Moxie's for lunch to celebrate.
We are picking out names for babies at Papa and Nana's house but don't know whether to pick out one, two, or three.
Way to to Aunt Lisa!!!!
Love, Grace and Sadie
Wow-you SHOULD enjoy each and every moment Lisa. You deserve it, hon! Great second beta. Now, kick you feet up and let Dave shower you with attention!
Love you both.
So glad to hear the good news!! I hope you keep flying over those hurdles. :)
Hooray!! I was waiting all day to hear! That's fantastic news! Take it easy and....enjoy!
Great news, Lisa!! Awesome doubling beta and that is one dark second line on that pee stick!!
Feet up and just take it easy. I am so happy for you guys!!!
AWESOME!!!! So, are they going to let you do another beta, or are they content w/ 2? I had the weekly-ish E2 and P4 checks, but after 2 betas they didn't seem to want more. I added it to the lab slip for a 3rd beta, you know... just in case... Freakish as all hell, but the spotting is common. I had HUGE gushing blood at 7w overnight, soaked underwear, PJs, sheets... and everything was OK. Totally seems wrong, I know... but *shrug*.
Take it easy! I'm SO happy everything is going well so far!!!
Wow--you're living the beta number/pee stick dream! Enjoy!
Great #!! Rest up & enjoy!
Thanks for your support!
Follow those doctor's orders, girl! Feet up, and let Dave wait on you HAND and FOOT!
That's a great beta, and early bleeding is very normal. You're headed in the right direction!
Keep us posted!
Erin :)
Congratulations!! :) Such wonderful news!
So happy for you! And yes, it is time for some pregnancy pampering. After all, you are growing babies in there!
Yippee!!! And I am so glad I found you on the forum too. You are making me feel very excited about my own cycle too. Congrats. Love those double lines!
Good!I was so scared to even check your blog to know the result! Am so happy for you! All the best and do take care!
This is just SOOOO exciting...It makes me smile to see all those POSITIVE preggo tests!!! I'm so happy for you!
Congrats!! YAY for doubling betas! I am also in the waiting game for the first u/s after beta#2. And we are just v v anxious! Looking forward to following your journey as we venture into a new phase in our lives.
I am so happy for you and Dave. I love that your family is all checking in on these posts; and how exciting is it that you'll be pg for Christmas! Can't wait to hear what's next -
I am soo happy for you..was praying through the weekend.....whohooo...lotsa sticky baby dust, take it easy and have a great 8 months...
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