Monday, October 31, 2011

Egg Retrieval

It’s finally here -- today is my egg retrieval surgery!

Although things are not perfect, we can’t help but be excited. Today my eggs will be fertilized with Dave’s sperm and our embryo’s will be given life! We have no idea how many eggs will be in there, how many will be mature, and how many will fertilize... but no matter how disappointing it is that we won’t travel home with an embryo inside of us – our future baby could be created today! Just the thought of that is the best feeling ever. And our hopes are back up, higher than ever! Waiting, praying, and hoping that this is the day we make another miracle.

Cooper is proof that it only takes one. That it is really is possible. And that maybe, just maybe we will be blessed again.

I’m thinking of my mom today, praying for her strength, and knowing that she is watching over me, with me always.

I love you mom. Stay with me, and help our little embryo’s fertilize and grow...


Linda said...

I'm so excited for you and your family! I have goosebumps just thinking about the miracle(s) that will happen today for you! xoxo

Kimber said...

Yahoo! What a great attitude you have. That's the girl I know!

Your mother is definitely by your side. Feel her presence and let it comfort you.

All your friends back home are rooting for you guys and your embryos!!!